Life out if balance?

My oh my oh my!

What is going on?

If you listen to the news or talk to others much you understand the world seems to be falling apart.

Guess what...maybe it is!

You know as well as I.

But one thing I know for sure is there are many angry, lost, desperate people out there completely detached from their spirit.

We as a humanity are at an important place in history. I have no idea why I feel this but I know it is so.

This is the time we need to reach inside and see what resides within.

I had a revelation the other day while making our latest film. We do these impromptu videos in case you haven't noticed.

Spirit led me to talk about the word abide.

Suddenly I felt overwhelmed with emotion and understood that when we are told to abide.... it isn't just about abiding in HIM....but allowing HIM to abide in us.

Not that I really know what that means, but I feel it.

It provides comfort and courage to understand everything is alright. I am able to remain in a calm, comforted space although all around me might be spinning out of control.

Perhaps if you feel like everything is falling apart it's time to do a personal check and see what the word abide means to you.

It just might make you day, or even the rest of your life easier.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Changing my site.

While not completely giving up this blog I invite you to join me at our new page.  This is where you will be able to read our latest posts and watch the video's we so enjoy creating.

We look forward to keeping interesting and informative ideas in the forefront.

Thank you for reading; you provide the energy to keep us moving in a positive direction.

If you "like" us it would be appreciated.  


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What is Love?

 Love.....what a concept really. It comes in so many forms

I am not a fan of many so called Holidays like Valentines Day.  Sure it is very good for commerce and I know for many it is a big deal. I guess I am a spoil sport.  I prefer the term realist.

Why you ask? Because concepts like this inflict emotional damage unintentionally.  For example: what if you are expecting a diamond engagement ring and end up with a box of chocolates?  Or you have a dream date dancing in your head and he doesn't call.  Or your relationship is on the rocks and the last thing you wish to do is spend a miserable evening around tons of lovebirds swooning over each other.  Perhaps your perfect mate dumped you recently and this evening will be spent alone with a gallon of ice cream.  I am sure you could add to the list.

But what is love and how do you know if you found it for yourself?  Trial and error worked for me since I am a slow learner.  I have experienced love, loss of love and much love in many forms over the years.  If you have read our book "Tripping Over Enlightenment" you know from what I speak.

I think the real reason a relationship fails is because of unrealistic expectations and the crazy notion someone else is to make you happy.  Sorry but that is your job.  All that happily ever after stuff is a fairytale.  Ideas like this make us emotionally dependent in an unhealthy fashion.  It keeps us frozen in relationships which no longer work.  We end up staying in environments which we dislike out of fear and lack of trust in self to make changes.  It hold us and our partner from finding something which is sincere and honest.
One of the saddest questions I hear from clients is are they going to outlive their spouse so they can have a few good, free years ahead?   WHAT?  Why would anyone ask that!  Because they have sold out on some level be it financial, religious ideals, co-dependency or fear of being alone.  Never put yourself or anyone you supposedly love in such a position.  If you or your partner harbor ill and unable to forgive transgressions any relationship will be difficult to maintain. If you or your partner fail to re-commit love then love will never return in kind.  When looking at each other all you see is pain and damages it is time to reevaluate. If you no longer can nurture each other then move on. If you fail to release each other from a loveless, damaging situation each of you will stay locked in misery.

A healthy relationship nurtures independence, promotes personal and spiritual growth and loving support even when it is the last thing you wish to do.  A health relationship takes work, each and every day.  A healthy relationship means having the ability to look away from the things we find so annoying.  A healthy relationship can see you both walking together years and years from now. It allows one to blossom.  It means you stick it out during hard difficult times. Love unconditionally means exactly that.  

Most importantly relationships require a commitment to make them work from both partners.
Otherwise the joint commitment has already ended and should be put to rest. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Friday We Enter The Age Of Aquarius.

Fifth Dimension

While many are worried the end is near the truth is we are entering an important time for this planet....the age of Aquarius.   For those unfamiliar ( younger than me) this was something promoted in 1969 as a form of heaven on earth full of peace, love and all good things.

I have no idea if this will come to fruition but considering things going on now one would hope so. I do know I would rather think of this happening on Friday than the Mayan death throes. you hearts and sing along with the Fifth Dimension and let the sun shine in your heart.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

If Truth Offends You...Read No Further!

This week angels have been very busy escorting home souls of twenty beautiful little children and  brave teachers, delivering them directly into the arms of God...of that I am certain.

But that doesn't ease the human pain left behind.  Having lost a child and parent I know nothing does that but time and personal resolution.

However....let's turn our focus on the issues presented before us as the "solutions" to this problem.

Like gun control. I own one myself as do many people I know. Now I think we need reasonable laws regarding gun ownership and responsibility but that won't resolve the problem we are, and will continue to experience.

School security....sure we need to have safety in place but there again, it can't stop violence. In fact this works opposite of the desired outcome by instilling a sense that we should always be afraid.

Ban video games....well, one must admit our society has become one of violence.  Surely we can do something to change how our children "play". However more laws won't change things.

Blame it on mental illness. Sure we could lock up and/or medicate those identified as mentally ill instead of throwing them to the wolves as we have the past several decades.  Except illness isn't  so easily identified nor dealt with.

Blame anyone available.  Terrorists for example. Poor parenting, cults even.

But  here is the raw truth.....

each and every one of us 

is the problem.... and the solution.

Here is some of the evidence:

Since 2007 
13,471 civilians, have been killed in the Afghanistan war.  As of 2009 39% have been identified as children.

Since 2006
124 Isrealie and 1452 Palestinian children have died in their fighting each other.

Since 1998
Because of the conflict in the Congo...2.7 million of the dead have been children. 

Since the beginning of the Iraq conflict
Published on Friday, July 21, 2000 at 1:23 PM ET by Reuters
UN Says Sanctions Have Killed Some 500,000 Iraqi Children,
And due to the war itself ....
of the 4,040 civilian victims of US-led coalition forces for whom age data was available, 1,201 (29%) were children.

Seven children died during 911 attack.

The we have Columbine, Oklahoma, Aurora,

And I could go on and on listing deaths of children, then list the many women and children whom have been raped and tortured, on to the helpless elderly and handicapped disposed of....the many, many left without fathers and mothers....all in the name of something or other deemed necessary and important for various reasons.

SOOO....what is the real issue?

A serious disconnect from our spiritual self. 

  • The only way we are going to make changes in the psyche of individuals is to start within ourselves.  
  • We must understand violence is never the answer.  
  • Obtain compassion for all living beings. 
  • Teach respect of others.
  • Share resources with the rest of the planet.
  • Evolve our families into spiritual beings connected with all.
  • Change the thinking of this planet, one person at a time if necessary.
  • Vote against ideas and concepts which promote violence, selfishness, hate or discrimination.
  • Open our hearts to love.
  • Teach and demonstrate healthy mindsets by promoting freewill responsibility.
  • Change as a individual, family, state, nation, and planet how we think, act and respond.
  • Learn to live fearlessly for fear IS the true enemy. Negativity is the force which can destroy everything we cherish.
  • Religions must unite instead of separate...God has space for all.   
  • Celebrate our differences and share our experiences.
  • Forgive....everything and everyone without question.

I am sure many of you can add to this list of ideas to change the outcome of this planet and I welcome all positive suggestions.  

Only by staying in the light and communicating with spiritual self will these issues be resolved.  

More laws, rules, hate and anger only promote the same.  

Currently we need something completely opposite this to keep our children safe.

The future of humanity itself depends upon each and everyone of us standing tall and creating the world we wish to live in.

Become the change!