Life out if balance?

My oh my oh my!

What is going on?

If you listen to the news or talk to others much you understand the world seems to be falling apart.

Guess what...maybe it is!

You know as well as I.

But one thing I know for sure is there are many angry, lost, desperate people out there completely detached from their spirit.

We as a humanity are at an important place in history. I have no idea why I feel this but I know it is so.

This is the time we need to reach inside and see what resides within.

I had a revelation the other day while making our latest film. We do these impromptu videos in case you haven't noticed.

Spirit led me to talk about the word abide.

Suddenly I felt overwhelmed with emotion and understood that when we are told to abide.... it isn't just about abiding in HIM....but allowing HIM to abide in us.

Not that I really know what that means, but I feel it.

It provides comfort and courage to understand everything is alright. I am able to remain in a calm, comforted space although all around me might be spinning out of control.

Perhaps if you feel like everything is falling apart it's time to do a personal check and see what the word abide means to you.

It just might make you day, or even the rest of your life easier.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

In Memory Of Walter M. Podkul

Last evening a very special person left his body with his loving family watching over him. He was my father-in-law, Walter M. Podkul, a strong, loving and sometimes difficult man. His suffering apparent, he none the less was still decisive to the end and full of wit and determination. It was a beautiful ending to an interesting journey on this earth.

There are many thing I would like to write about this, but that is for another day. This morning I just want to let those who read my blog know that our family lost a piece to our puzzle, nothing will be the same.

Thank you Dad for everything, God speed on your journey.
You are loved!


  1. Nora my deepest condolences to you and Walt, good friends I cherish with all my heart.

  2. Hi Nora, Walt was my uncle, I am John Podkul's daughter. My sister found this and sent it to me. It's beautiful. He was a wonderful man!
    Tina Podkul Bochy

  3. Thank you for the comment Tina. Perhaps we will meet soon. I hope you will check on my blog another time or two.

  4. I was so sorry to hear about your father-in-law's passing. I haven't read your blog in awhile, but something told me to check it out tonight. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

    My Deepest Sympathy,
