Life out if balance?

My oh my oh my!

What is going on?

If you listen to the news or talk to others much you understand the world seems to be falling apart.

Guess what...maybe it is!

You know as well as I.

But one thing I know for sure is there are many angry, lost, desperate people out there completely detached from their spirit.

We as a humanity are at an important place in history. I have no idea why I feel this but I know it is so.

This is the time we need to reach inside and see what resides within.

I had a revelation the other day while making our latest film. We do these impromptu videos in case you haven't noticed.

Spirit led me to talk about the word abide.

Suddenly I felt overwhelmed with emotion and understood that when we are told to abide.... it isn't just about abiding in HIM....but allowing HIM to abide in us.

Not that I really know what that means, but I feel it.

It provides comfort and courage to understand everything is alright. I am able to remain in a calm, comforted space although all around me might be spinning out of control.

Perhaps if you feel like everything is falling apart it's time to do a personal check and see what the word abide means to you.

It just might make you day, or even the rest of your life easier.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Fright Friday Continues

In 1966 we moved Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in Goldsboro, NC for a period of time. It was during the Viet Nam war and this base had recently been reopened to train fighter pilots for combat.

Housing was very difficult to find. Fortunately we found a nice little four room place out in the country. It was filthy and run down but showed great potential. After a few weeks of hard work it started to take shape. With some time to finally relax I noticed something; someone or something else occupied the house with us.

I notice figures walking the hall, back and forth from the kitchen to the bathroom. It didn't bother me, I just wondered what it was. That is the only place I ever saw or felt any presence. These figures simply floated from the kitchen and disappeared into the bathroom.
Then we shared the tiny place with newlyweds that hadn't found housing yet. Diana refused to use the bathroom without her husband being with her. If she had to while he was working, she demanded I stand outside and talk with her until she was finished. When I asked why she told me she was afraid of the ghosts.

She saw what I saw, figures in gray uniforms constantly going in and out of the bathroom. So we decided to see what we could find out about the place.

It seems that during the Civil War this house was used for triage for soldiers passing through. They slept in a loft above.....and guess where the stairs to the loft were located at that the bathroom closet! Exactly where Diana and I saw them go, simply disappearing into the woodwork.

Before long Diana and Virgil found a place of their own.  My husband and I became comfortable sharing our space until we moved to an air conditions place; an extreme luxury in North Carolina during the 60's.

Next Friday....welcome to the Horn House!

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