Life out if balance?

My oh my oh my!

What is going on?

If you listen to the news or talk to others much you understand the world seems to be falling apart.

Guess what...maybe it is!

You know as well as I.

But one thing I know for sure is there are many angry, lost, desperate people out there completely detached from their spirit.

We as a humanity are at an important place in history. I have no idea why I feel this but I know it is so.

This is the time we need to reach inside and see what resides within.

I had a revelation the other day while making our latest film. We do these impromptu videos in case you haven't noticed.

Spirit led me to talk about the word abide.

Suddenly I felt overwhelmed with emotion and understood that when we are told to abide.... it isn't just about abiding in HIM....but allowing HIM to abide in us.

Not that I really know what that means, but I feel it.

It provides comfort and courage to understand everything is alright. I am able to remain in a calm, comforted space although all around me might be spinning out of control.

Perhaps if you feel like everything is falling apart it's time to do a personal check and see what the word abide means to you.

It just might make you day, or even the rest of your life easier.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ever Evolving Life!

You pretty much go along in life feeling invincible and impervious to aging. Until that one day when you look in the mirror and suddenly see what others have observed for a while; you got OLD!

Exactly when it happens will remain a mystery to you, although subtle signs were all around. Sure, if you look at photographs it can be seen, but what if you amazingly avoided the dreaded film?

Bones may creak a little more, your eyes are less focused, hair amazingly appears where before was lacking, while the hair you prided yourself on wanes. Your children became adults themselves bearing the next generation in front of you.

But in spite of all that, inside somewhere you are still feeling the joy of youth and find inspiration in daily life. Denial is the best anti-aging medicine I know of. It can work for as long as the body-mind connection promotes it.

But then something eventually comes along which points out your vulnerability and prods you into accepting the have in fact....aged gracefully. Well, at least that is my take on it and I am sticking to it.

Today I am on a clear liquid diet. Why? You inquire! Because I have crossed the threshold of no longer denying the dreaded colonoscopy and endoscopy so many valiant others before me endured. Am I being a sissy...perhaps, but I don't "do" doctors, meds, or testing, normally and would like to continue doing so.

I have to admit, I feel great not digesting so much food and perhaps will continue to cut down after this event is passed. I understand that people who consume little food tend to live longer, but then why do so many die from starvation? Hum!

I have also found that food consumption, consumes, a lot of time; from thinking about it, to shopping, preparing, eating and cleaning up. Hence my free time to blog more today.

I certainly am not hungry, but do miss the sensation of solid food in my mouth.

At lunch with friends yesterday I was informed by a "c" veteran that the experience is rather pleasant, after the prep that it. She said it was the best sleep she ever had and she actually looks forward to going the next time. I highly doubt I will feel the same but nice to know.

So here I am will time on my hands until 4pm when all the fun begins. So now that I have whined a bit, perhaps I will go be productive and finish cleaning out the closet in the hall. I guess one of the side benefits is all this danged extra energy to use up.

Have a great day, and be sure to take care of your health. Are you putting off something in your life that needs taken care of? Remember forewarned is forearmed.

And never only as old as you feel!

There Heeere!

 OK, some of you will think I went off the deep end, the rest of you....well, you already know me:)

Within the last few weeks it seems mainstream media has brought forward some interesting information.  Why now, and what are they telling us exactly about beings from outer space? Do they exist, what are they, and do they pose a threat?

All I can offer is the following information for your consideration along with my personal viewpoint; which technically is worthless.

I do believe other beings exist from somewhere; perhaps other dimensions. I feel that if they are real they more than likely are like us; some good and some bad. I have no fear for some reason of them "landing" or taking over the earth.

They are talked about in the bible so this seems to be nothing new.

So...just a heads up...just in case one knocks on your door.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

What I Did on My Summer Vacation!

Also known as....why I haven't been blogging.

We have undertaken much work on our property this year and have diligently worked to achieve our goals. I am please to say many of them have been completed, some are in the works to be completed, and of course, a few haven't begun as I had hoped; but that leaves something on my plate to still dream about in the future.

We tore down several old greenhouses we inherited with the property beyond repair, unfortunately. I do hope to restore the last real glass one next year.

Below are a few pictures of what we have been up to. We now have 9000 sq ft. of new grass growing in place of the debris.


After....and I got a circular drive in the process.

We also added a new mailbox. The husband was already here.

And got the beautiful bell his parents gave us hung.

And added a front deck to replace the old leaking concrete one, plus finally got the much needed roof.

So, now that fall is here I have less excuses for not writing more frequently. Therefore, I hope you will check in once and a while to see what is new.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Litter.....My Pet Peeve!

I live on a somewhat rural road, but several hours during the day many cars pass by.

I am amazed that with all the public awareness out there about tossing trash out your vehicle people still disrespect the environment; not to mention other peoples property.

What do they think happens to their "junk?" It doesn't go away on it's own! I am tired picking up candy wrappers, papers, cups, articles of clothing and unmentionables.

This behavior is disturbing for many reasons. It clearly shows a lack of respect for nature and man. It is an outward manifestation of detachment from spirit. It is a to society and it's rules and formality.

It is a mindless act, like others perpetuated upon society at large. It is yet another sign of those individuals experiencing an entitlement existence. It  is a symbol of an ego so self absorbed it fails to recognize the common good.

Practice appreciation for the world in which we all must share. Encourage others to act responsibly. It took a few years, but eventually my mom stopped tossing her gum wrapped out the window. In fact just yesterday she commented on how good it was that I have a trash bag in my car! So please do us all a favor and "pick up," and ya, that means after your dog also.

Oh and in case you were wondering.......cigarette butts.........are trash!!!!!!


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Who Do YOU...Sound Like?


Recently we had visitors we only see several times a year. As we were sitting around remanising about the past one phrase kept coming up, "do you know who you sounded like right now?" Frequently, ok...mainly it was not in a complimentary fashion.

It got me thinking about what other will think of me when I am no longer here to explain myself or my actions. I pondered what actions, words or mannerisms will prompt such remarks on my behalf. I do hope they are kind enough to only remember a few of my flaws and laugh at only some of my idiosyncrasies. 

What legacy  of memories will you leave behind. How do you wish to be, "reminisced"? While it is wonderful to have thoughts of those you loved are they positive or negative ones? Are you leaving an imprint of love, compassion and light or those of a "negative Nelly".

Take time to think about yourself after you have left the body will those overhead conversation make you feel? If you don't like still have time to make different memories. When they say, "you sound exactly like someone else," be sure it is a positive thought.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Public Service Announcement!

This is too good to not share. Let's hope he isn't correct. You do have to admit he has passion, determination and willing to put himself out there.