Life out if balance?

My oh my oh my!

What is going on?

If you listen to the news or talk to others much you understand the world seems to be falling apart.

Guess what...maybe it is!

You know as well as I.

But one thing I know for sure is there are many angry, lost, desperate people out there completely detached from their spirit.

We as a humanity are at an important place in history. I have no idea why I feel this but I know it is so.

This is the time we need to reach inside and see what resides within.

I had a revelation the other day while making our latest film. We do these impromptu videos in case you haven't noticed.

Spirit led me to talk about the word abide.

Suddenly I felt overwhelmed with emotion and understood that when we are told to abide.... it isn't just about abiding in HIM....but allowing HIM to abide in us.

Not that I really know what that means, but I feel it.

It provides comfort and courage to understand everything is alright. I am able to remain in a calm, comforted space although all around me might be spinning out of control.

Perhaps if you feel like everything is falling apart it's time to do a personal check and see what the word abide means to you.

It just might make you day, or even the rest of your life easier.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Joy IS Contagious....Pass It On!

The music is wonderful, the participation amazing, the joy uplifting. This brought tears to my eyes.

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Little Bit Of Heaven

I have been gifted a sample of this specially made soap and it is wonderful. I really like to help hard working, dedicated individuals who have a purpose as well as a goal.

Please think about ordering some of these as gifts or gift additions this coming holiday. I assure you that you will be pleased. The fragrances are outstanding, I almost hate to open them. For a long time I let it sit on my nightstand so I could relax while enjoying my soap smell. Mine is a combination of Green Tea and Ginger, yummy enough to eat!

So...check Katie out and enjoy the fruits of her labor.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Put Your Mind To Good Work!

Starting November 11 we can take part in an amazing event. We get to create a new reality for the betterment of mankind. Please click on the link above and let your spirit guide you.


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

My favorite thing about Halloween is daughters birthday. Happy Birthday Erin, we love you!

This is my favorite Halloween song. Once you hear it, it simply goes around and around in your head....sorry.

But the real reason to celebrate this day was to honor the spirit.

Have a great big "spooky" day!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

What's Your "Thinking" ...Thinking?

Our thoughts are more powerful than our words, actions or deeds. They create the foundation for our beliefs, judgments and life choices.

To often we let others shape our thoughts for us and end up in a different reality than we expected.

It seems easier to go with the flow most of the time without determining if that is the correct path for us to follow.

We create our reality by the thinking inside our thoughts. What we see as our path becomes our future. Always determine if what you want is what YOU are creating, if not, change your thinking to reflect that desire instead.

Think carefully what you really are seeking and allow the universe to  respond in kind. Accept responsibility for your truth and freely move toward a loving and productive future.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ever Evolving Life!

You pretty much go along in life feeling invincible and impervious to aging. Until that one day when you look in the mirror and suddenly see what others have observed for a while; you got OLD!

Exactly when it happens will remain a mystery to you, although subtle signs were all around. Sure, if you look at photographs it can be seen, but what if you amazingly avoided the dreaded film?

Bones may creak a little more, your eyes are less focused, hair amazingly appears where before was lacking, while the hair you prided yourself on wanes. Your children became adults themselves bearing the next generation in front of you.

But in spite of all that, inside somewhere you are still feeling the joy of youth and find inspiration in daily life. Denial is the best anti-aging medicine I know of. It can work for as long as the body-mind connection promotes it.

But then something eventually comes along which points out your vulnerability and prods you into accepting the have in fact....aged gracefully. Well, at least that is my take on it and I am sticking to it.

Today I am on a clear liquid diet. Why? You inquire! Because I have crossed the threshold of no longer denying the dreaded colonoscopy and endoscopy so many valiant others before me endured. Am I being a sissy...perhaps, but I don't "do" doctors, meds, or testing, normally and would like to continue doing so.

I have to admit, I feel great not digesting so much food and perhaps will continue to cut down after this event is passed. I understand that people who consume little food tend to live longer, but then why do so many die from starvation? Hum!

I have also found that food consumption, consumes, a lot of time; from thinking about it, to shopping, preparing, eating and cleaning up. Hence my free time to blog more today.

I certainly am not hungry, but do miss the sensation of solid food in my mouth.

At lunch with friends yesterday I was informed by a "c" veteran that the experience is rather pleasant, after the prep that it. She said it was the best sleep she ever had and she actually looks forward to going the next time. I highly doubt I will feel the same but nice to know.

So here I am will time on my hands until 4pm when all the fun begins. So now that I have whined a bit, perhaps I will go be productive and finish cleaning out the closet in the hall. I guess one of the side benefits is all this danged extra energy to use up.

Have a great day, and be sure to take care of your health. Are you putting off something in your life that needs taken care of? Remember forewarned is forearmed.

And never only as old as you feel!

There Heeere!

 OK, some of you will think I went off the deep end, the rest of you....well, you already know me:)

Within the last few weeks it seems mainstream media has brought forward some interesting information.  Why now, and what are they telling us exactly about beings from outer space? Do they exist, what are they, and do they pose a threat?

All I can offer is the following information for your consideration along with my personal viewpoint; which technically is worthless.

I do believe other beings exist from somewhere; perhaps other dimensions. I feel that if they are real they more than likely are like us; some good and some bad. I have no fear for some reason of them "landing" or taking over the earth.

They are talked about in the bible so this seems to be nothing new.

So...just a heads up...just in case one knocks on your door.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

What I Did on My Summer Vacation!

Also known as....why I haven't been blogging.

We have undertaken much work on our property this year and have diligently worked to achieve our goals. I am please to say many of them have been completed, some are in the works to be completed, and of course, a few haven't begun as I had hoped; but that leaves something on my plate to still dream about in the future.

We tore down several old greenhouses we inherited with the property beyond repair, unfortunately. I do hope to restore the last real glass one next year.

Below are a few pictures of what we have been up to. We now have 9000 sq ft. of new grass growing in place of the debris.


After....and I got a circular drive in the process.

We also added a new mailbox. The husband was already here.

And got the beautiful bell his parents gave us hung.

And added a front deck to replace the old leaking concrete one, plus finally got the much needed roof.

So, now that fall is here I have less excuses for not writing more frequently. Therefore, I hope you will check in once and a while to see what is new.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Litter.....My Pet Peeve!

I live on a somewhat rural road, but several hours during the day many cars pass by.

I am amazed that with all the public awareness out there about tossing trash out your vehicle people still disrespect the environment; not to mention other peoples property.

What do they think happens to their "junk?" It doesn't go away on it's own! I am tired picking up candy wrappers, papers, cups, articles of clothing and unmentionables.

This behavior is disturbing for many reasons. It clearly shows a lack of respect for nature and man. It is an outward manifestation of detachment from spirit. It is a to society and it's rules and formality.

It is a mindless act, like others perpetuated upon society at large. It is yet another sign of those individuals experiencing an entitlement existence. It  is a symbol of an ego so self absorbed it fails to recognize the common good.

Practice appreciation for the world in which we all must share. Encourage others to act responsibly. It took a few years, but eventually my mom stopped tossing her gum wrapped out the window. In fact just yesterday she commented on how good it was that I have a trash bag in my car! So please do us all a favor and "pick up," and ya, that means after your dog also.

Oh and in case you were wondering.......cigarette butts.........are trash!!!!!!


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Who Do YOU...Sound Like?


Recently we had visitors we only see several times a year. As we were sitting around remanising about the past one phrase kept coming up, "do you know who you sounded like right now?" Frequently, ok...mainly it was not in a complimentary fashion.

It got me thinking about what other will think of me when I am no longer here to explain myself or my actions. I pondered what actions, words or mannerisms will prompt such remarks on my behalf. I do hope they are kind enough to only remember a few of my flaws and laugh at only some of my idiosyncrasies. 

What legacy  of memories will you leave behind. How do you wish to be, "reminisced"? While it is wonderful to have thoughts of those you loved are they positive or negative ones? Are you leaving an imprint of love, compassion and light or those of a "negative Nelly".

Take time to think about yourself after you have left the body will those overhead conversation make you feel? If you don't like still have time to make different memories. When they say, "you sound exactly like someone else," be sure it is a positive thought.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Public Service Announcement!

This is too good to not share. Let's hope he isn't correct. You do have to admit he has passion, determination and willing to put himself out there.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Get Your Groove On!

Feeling down and old today? Your mojo running on low?

Well then....change your energy. Find a beat that works for you and get moving. 

I guess I am no the only "old" person that likes Lady Gaga.

Have a wonderful day!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Ok, Look at the Trees---But Don't Forget About the Forest.

Take time this weekend to enjoy a personal relationship with our environment. We are all a part of the whole. It is important for us to remain active participants with the world in which we live. Remember to give thanks. Like you, the world is a living entity; give it the same respect and love.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Nurture Your Inner Child - Take Time To Play

We are so eager to play when we are small. It is how we learn and figure out how the world around us works. It teaches us many, many valuable skills as well. It is natural for us to simply play.

During our youth we learn how to make friends and resolve issues. We nurture our creative side with play. We are capable of being anything from a rocket scientist to a frog. We have the ability to imagine the world as we wish it to be.

Unfortunately as we age we become afraid of our creative self; we fear rejection or humiliation. It takes courage to exhibit a fun self to the world, it becomes easier to hide behind the curtain of normalcy

We focus so much on the material we disconnect from having actual creative fun. I'm sorry, but golf...isn't what I am talking about. I mean actual, crazy, spiritually connected fun with your creative side let loose.

Have you ever watched some of the children shows with adults having silly fun? Why are we so afraid to relax and enjoy ourselves. How does that "inner child" get so shut down?

I have notice the only elderly people still grateful for being here, never lost their sense of enthusiasm for life. They retain an inner joy for fun without worry of retribution from others. They are entitled to fun in fact.....and delightfully declare, they are in their "second childhood."

So, if you are still connected to your inner, playful child, stay connected. If you somehow lost that part of you, please go find it again. Your body, mind and spirit will all appreciate it and reward you with better health, a calmer energy and a joyful spirit!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Life Is A Gift

When you open your heart fully....
all things become possible. 
Embrace life! 
Release all negative thinking......and fly!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Are YOU Smarter Than an Eighth Grader?

This is the eighth-grade final exam from 1895 in Salina, Kansas, USA. It was taken from the original document on file at the Smokey Valley Genealogical Society and Library in Salina, and reprinted by the Salina Journal.
8th Grade Final Exam:
Salina, KS - 1895

Grammar (Time, one
1. Give nine rules for the use of capital letters.
2. Name the parts of speech and define those that have no modifications.
3. Define verse, stanza and paragraph.
4. What are the principal parts of a verb? Give principal parts of 'lie,''play,' and 'run.'
5. Define case; illustrate each case.
6 What is punctuation? Give rules for principal marks of punctuation.
7 - 10. Write a composition of about 150 words and show therein that you understand the practical use of the rules of grammar.

Arithmetic (Time,
1 hour and 15 minutes)
1. Name and define the Fundamental Rules of Arithmetic.
2. A wagon box is 2 ft. deep, 10 feet long, and 3 ft. wide. How many bushels of wheat will it hold?
3. If a load of wheat weighs 3,942 lbs., what is it worth at 50cts/bushel, deducting 1,050 lbs for tare?
4. District No 33 has a valuation of $35,000. What is the necessary levy to carry on a school seven months at $50 per month, and have $104 for incidentals?
5. Find the cost of 6,720 lbs. Coal at $6.00 per ton.
6. Find the interest of $512.60 for 8 months and 18 days at 7 percent.
7. What is the cost of 40 boards 12 inches wide and 16 ft. long at $20 per metre?
8. Find bank discount on $300 for 90 days (no grace) at 10 percent.
9. What is the cost of a square farm at $15 per acre, the distance of which is 640 rods?
10. Write a Bank Check, a Promissory Note, and a Receipt

U.S. History (Time, 45minutes)
1. Give the epochs into which U.S. History is divided
2. Give an account of the discovery of America by Columbus.
3. Relate the causes and results of the Revolutionary War.
4. Show the territorial growth of the United States.
5. Tell what you can of the history of Kansas.
6. Describe three of the most prominent battles of the Rebellion.
7. Who were the following: Morse, Whitney, Fulton, Bell,Lincoln, Penn, and Howe?
8. Name events connected with the following da tes: 1607, 1620, 1800, 1849,1865.

Orthography (Time, one hour)
[Do we even know what this is??]
1. What is meant by the following: alphabet, phonetic, orthography,etymology, syllabication
2. What are elementary sounds? How classified?
3. What are the following, and give examples of each: trigraph, subvocals,diphthong, cognate letters, linguals & nbsp;
4. Give four substitutes for caret 'u.' (HUH?)
5. Give two rules for spelling words with final 'e.' Name two exceptions under each rule.
6. Give two uses of silent letters in spelling. Illustrate each.
7. Define the following prefixes and use in connection with a word: bi,dis-mis, pre, semi, post, non, inter, mono, sup.
8. Mark diacritically and divide into syllables the following, and name thesign that indicates the sound: card, ball, mercy, sir, odd, cell, rise, blood, fare, last.
9. Use the following correctly in sentences: cite, site, sight, fane, fain, feign, vane , vain, vein, raze, raise, rays.
10. Write 10 words frequently mispronounced and indicate pronunciation by use of diacritical marks and by syllabication.

Geography (Time, one hour)
1 What is climate? Upon what does climate depend?
2. How do you account for the extremes of climate in Kansas ?
3. Of what use are rivers? Of what use is the ocean?
4. Describe the mountains of North America
5. Name and describe the following: Monrovia, Odessa, Denver, Manitoba, Hecla, Yukon, St. Helena, Juan Fernandez, Aspinwall and Orinoco.
6. Name and locate the principal trade centers of the U.S. Name all the republics of Europe and give the capital of each.
8. Why is the Atlantic Coast colder than the Pacific in the same
9. Describe the process by which the water of the ocean returns to the sources of rivers.
10. Describe the movements of the earth. Give the inclination of the earth.

Notice that the exam took FIVE HOURS to complete. 

Apparently........I'm not! Those were tough questions. Some of them I remember having in school but I sure don't remember the answers. Back to the books!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I Now Bring You an Important Message!

In this short clip you received some valuable information for living a positive life.

Did you hear it?

I happen to really like Yoda and his words of wisdom.

"Do or do not.
There is no try."

What this means to me.... is exactly what it states. 

When a client tells me, "they will try to make changes," what I hear is:

I don't believe I can.
I don't intend to but I want to agree with you.
I am afraid to make changes.
I might not like the changes.
I don't want to deal with the consequences of change.
People won't like my changes and quit loving me.
I want this session to be over so I say I will try.

 Somethings in life are pretty clear. Intent to live the life you want takes courage, responsibility and determination. Nothing comes easily, but if you want a different life  you must be willing to live a different life, no matter the consequences.

So find your force and use it wisely. Make things happen to propel you in a spiritually positive direction. Live life fearlessly; and "May the force be with you!"

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Something Profound!

Every day I wonder what to write about that anyone would care to read or need to hear. Everyday it would be nice if I could come up with profound information to share.

Unfortunately that doesn't happen and I spend a lot of time thinking something up, hopefully with some redeeming value.

Today was no different. So I choose to share the following:

You are an all knowing,
all loving,
all perfect being!

Hurt damaged people....
create hurt, damaged people!

Loving spiritual beings.....cause no harm!

Live a loving life.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Three Steps To Happiness!

Wish your best wishes with all your heart.

Believe In The Possibility.

Allow God To Provide.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

For My Friends Worried About 2012.

This takes time to watch, can be a bit slow, but he will help eliminate your fears.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ode To Squirrels!

People think dogs have a wonderful life, and many do. But this morning while I was making coffee, I watched all the squirrels in the yard run and frolic.

Fearful of little they went about collecting nuts and seeds with great enthusiasm.

If they noticed me or the cat at all, they merely stopped for a second as if to say,"hi", then went on about their business.

You could sense their joy with life and their gratitude for the abundance God has provided them.

The seem to get along quite well with each other, and everything around them fairly easily.

We could learn something from them it appears.

You might wish for a dogs life, but I think perhaps I'll become a squirrel!

Saturday, June 26, 2010


I heard a group the other evening sing this song and ever since it has been running through my mind.

I hope it has the same effect on you.

Today the words felt as if it was the first time I have ever heard them.

Take a listen....then go outside....look up....and say thank you....for a wonderful world!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I can't wait to see this movie. The clips are very interesting to say the least. It make you think about how we raise our children and wonder if we are preparing them for the world.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Very Interesting Information- The Doomsday Vault

Did you know that precautions like this were being taken?
Nice to know someone is watching out for the future of our planet.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Take Care Of Your Energy Self

Frequently we forget to take care of ourselves fully. Sure, we may diet and exercise, take care of our physical being, but seldom do we think about our energy field. It is what keeps us going, keeps us connected and grounded. Just like the rest of requires care and love.

Remember to take time to recharge, reconnect and renew.

Monday, June 14, 2010

How Can You Help?

What You Can Do To Help Save The Gulf.

This site has a lot of good information as well as ideas how all of us can make  some difference.

 Please check it out and stay informed.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Do You Know The Preamble of The Constitution?

So many of us have forgotten what this country stands for. Remember freedom is not a given but a privilege.

Things Which Make You Go....Humm?

You have to wonder... if the following individuals.... currently making policy and life changing decisions... work on the behalf of the average American and me.....or do their loyalties lie elsewhere?

American / Isreali Dual Citizens in the American Government

Attorney General - Michael Mukasey
Head of Homeland Security - Michael Chertoff
Chairman Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board - Richard Perle
Deputy Defense Secretary (Former) - Paul Wolfowitz
Under Secretary of Defense - Douglas Feith
National Security Council Advisor - Elliott Abrams
Vice President Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff (Former) - “Scooter” Libby
White House Deputy Chief of Staff - Joshua Bolten
Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs - Marc Grossman
Director of Policy Planning at the State Department - Richard Haass
Trade Representative (Cabinet-level Position) - Robert Zoellick
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board - James Schlesinger
UN Representative (Former) - John Bolton
Under Secretary for Arms Control - David Wurmser
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board - Eliot Cohen
Senior Advisor to the President - Steve Goldsmith
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary - Christopher Gersten
Assistant Secretary of State - Lincoln Bloomfield
Deputy Assistant to the President - Jay Lefkowitz
White House Political Director - Ken Melman
National Security Study Group - Edward Luttwak
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board - Kenneth Adelman
Defense Intelligence Agency Analyst (Former) - Lawrence (Larry) Franklin
National Security Council Advisor - Robert Satloff
President Export-Import Bank U.S.
- Mel Sembler
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families - Christopher Gersten
Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Public Affairs
- Mark Weinberger
White House Speechwriter - David Frum
White House Spokesman (Former) - Ari Fleischer
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board - Henry Kissinger
Deputy Secretary of Commerce - Samuel Bodman
Under Secretary of State for Management - Bonnie Cohen
Director of Foreign Service Institute - Ruth Davis

What do you think?

Perhaps we would do better..... if a requirement for holding office..... was a complete commitment to only one country....ours.

These men and women hold some of the most influential and important positions in the government.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pray For Our World

Dying Planet

It seems things are not getting any better in the gulf. Please send healing light to the waters and animals being destroyed by man's greed and incompetence.

Many wish to place blame and are angry but all of us have some responsibility for what it happening.

Each of us should look at ways to minimize consumption and attempt to leave a cleaner imprint on the planet.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Passion...It Can Be Contagious!

This man brings tears to your eyes with his passion for freedom and our country.

It is very moving to see the impact his voice had on the crowd. He brought them to their feet and you could sense the change in energy.

We are such powerful beings! Frequently we forget that. Think about how your actions effect those around you.

Food For Thought!

Friday, June 4, 2010

And of Course This!

So beautiful I had to share.

Just A Small Reminder!

When you look around and see the negative events circling the earth, many emotions are pulled from your soul. It is easy to become confused and lost in direction.

Times like these remind us of our humanity and the frailness of our being. It is overwhelming not having all the answers in life sometimes.

Perhaps...we aren't suppose to! Perhaps....we are simply to love unconditionally and push forward doing our best.

I don't remember being told everything rested on my shoulders. I have learned to make wiser choices and accept that, not all things will be as I wish them.

But life still churns on.....make the most of it.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I loved The Title of This Video!

No matter how dark your days may seem...remember the light! We always have the ability to brighten up our energy.

Send out positive thoughts, renew your spirit, remember gratitude; especially when your day seems surrounded by negativity.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Another Interesting Site On Food Storage.

Learn How To Store Food Using Dehydration!

I have dehydrate food over the years but have limited knowledge. This site give amazing ideas and recipes. Dehydrated foods keep a long time and take little space to store.

Re-hydration brings many hydrated foods back to a rather normal consistency. Give it a try. It is even an interesting project families to enjoy doing together.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Believe You Can!

Determination? Stubbornness? Faith? Stupidity? Tenacity? Self discipline?

What makes you do the things you choose to do?

It is interesting how we determine how to use our free will isn't it!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Remember To Shine!

One thing we surely need more of in the universe is light. We can contribute to that cause by shining out our love and compassion.

Focus your spiritual energy, radiate your love and glow baby glow! Become a beacon for those seeking a new path.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Believe In Yourself

Learn to trust your spiritual self. 
Live a positive life. 
Enjoy each moment in time.
Believe in possibilities.
Experience the journey.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What About The Economy, You Ask?

Frequently I am asked my opinion on the financial situation currently going on. I do not have the answer, except knowing things are not going to get better for a long time.

I have looked for advise from individuals with knowledge in this field. I submit the following information for those wondering where the financial stability of the world is headed.

Predictions For The Rest Of 2010
Bob Chapman
First 6 months of 2010, Americans will continue to live in the 'unreality'…the period between July and October is when the financial fireworks will begin. The Fed will act unilaterally for its own survival irrespective of any political implications …(source is from insider at FED meetings). In the last quarter of the year we could even see Martial law, which is more likely for the first 6 months of 2011. The FDIC will collapse in September 2010. Commercial real estate is set to implode in 2010. Wall Street believes there is a 100% chance of crash in bond market, especially municipals sometime during 2010. The dollar will be devalued by the end of 2010.
Gerald Celente
Terrorist attacks and the "Crash of 2010". 40% devaluation at first = the greatest depression, worse than the Great Depression.
Igor Panarin
In the summer of 1998, based on classified data about the state of the U.S. economy and society supplied to him by fellow FAPSI analysts, Panarin forecast the probable disintegration of the USA into six parts in 2010 (at the end of June – start of July 2010, as he specified on 10 December 2000
Have projected that the third and final stage of the economic collapse will begin sometime in 2010. Barring some kind of financial miracle, or the complete dissolution of the Federal Reserve, a snowballing implosion should become visible by the end of this year. The behavior of the Fed, along with that of the IMF seems to suggest that they are preparing for a focused collapse, peaking within weeks or months instead of years, and the most certain fall of the dollar.
July and onward things get very strange. Revolution. Dollar dead by November 2010.
LEAP 20/20
2010 Outlook from a group of 25 European Economists with a 90% accuracy rating- We anticipate a sudden intensification of the crisis in the second half of 2010, caused by a double effect of a catching up of events which were temporarily « frozen » in the second half of 2009 and the impossibility of maintaining the palliative remedies of past years. There is a perfect (economic) storm coming within the global financial markets and inevitable pressure on interest rates in the U.S. The injection of zero-cost money into the Western banking system has failed to restart the economy. Despite zero-cost money, the system has stalled. It is slowly rolling over into the next big down wave, which in Elliott Wave terminology will be Super Cycle Wave Three, or in common language, "THE BIG ONE, WHERE WE ALL GO OVER THE FALLS TOGETHER."
Joseph Meyer
Forecasts on the economy. He sees the real estate market continuing to decline, and advised people to invest in precious metals and commodities, as well as keeping cash at home in a safe place in case of bank closures. The stock market, after peaking in March or April (around 10,850), will fall all the way down to somewhere between 2450 and 4125 during the next leg down.
Harry Dent (investor)
A very likely second crash by late 2010. The coming depression (starts around the summer of 2010). Dent sees the stock market–currently benefiting from upward momentum and peppier economic activity–headed for a very brief and pleasant run that could lift the Dow to the 10,700-11,500 range from its current level of about 10.090. But then, he sees the market running into a stone wall, which will be followed by a nasty stock market decline (starting in early March to late April) that could drive down the Dow later this year to 3,000-5,000, with his best guess about 3,800.
Richard Russell (Market Expert)
(from 2/3/10) says the bear market rally is in the process of breaking up and panic is on the way. He sees a full correction of the entire rise from the 2002 low of 7,286 to the bull market high of 14,164.53 set on October 9, 2007. The halfway level of retracement was 10,725. The total retracement was to 6,547.05 on March 9, 2009. He now sees the Dow falling to 7,286 and if that level does not hold, “I see it sinking to its 1980-82 area low of Dow 1,000.” The current action is the worst he has ever seen. (Bob Chapman says for Russell to make such a startling statement is unusual because he never cries wolf and is almost never wrong)
Niño Becerra (Professor of Economics)
Predicted in July 2007 that what was going to happen was that by mid 2010 there is going to be a crisis only comparable to the one in 1929. From October 2009 to May 2010 people will begin to see things are not working out the way the government thought. In May of 2010, the crisis starts with all its force and continues and strengthens throughout 2011. He accurately predicted the current recession and market crash to the month.
Lyndon Larouche
The crisis is accelerating and will become worse week by week until the whole system grinds into a collapse, likely sometime this year. And when it does, it will be the greatest collapse since the fall of the Roman Empire.
"You are witnessing a fundamental breakdown of the American dream, a systemic breakdown of our democracy and our capitalism, a breakdown driven by the blind insatiable greed of Wall Street: Dysfunctional government, insane markets, economy on the brink. Multiply that many times over and see a world in total disarray. Ignore it now, tomorrow will be too late."
Eric deCarbonnel
There is no precedence for the panic and chaos that will occur in 2010. The global food supply/demand picture has NEVER been so out of balance. The 2010 food crisis will rearrange economic, financial, and political order of the world, and those who aren’t prepared will suffer terrible losses…As the dollar loses most of its value, America's savings will be wiped out. The US service economy will disintegrate as consumer spending in real terms (ie: gold or other stable currencies) drops like a rock, bringing unemployment to levels exceeding the great depression. Public health services/programs will be cut back, as individuals will have no savings/credit/income to pay for medical care. Value of most investments will be wiped out. The US debt markets will freeze again, this time permanently. There will be no buyers except at the most drastic of firesale prices, and inflation will wipe away value before credit markets have any chance at recovery. The panic in 2010 will see the majority of derivatives end up worthless. Since global derivatives markets operate on the assumption of the continued stable value of the dollar and short term US debt, using derivatives to bet against the dollar is NOT a good idea. The panic in 2010 will see the majority of derivatives end up worthless. The dollar's collapse will rob US consumers of all purchasing power, and any investment depend on US consumption will lose most of its value.
Alpha-Omega Report (Trends Forecast)
Going into 2010, the trends seemed to lead nowhere or towards oblivion. Geo-politically, the Middle East was and is trending towards some sort of military clash, most likely by mid-year, but perhaps sooner…At the moment, it seems 2010 is shaping up to be a year of absolute chaos. We see trends for war between Israel and her neighbors that will shake every facet of human activity…In the event of war, we see all other societal trends being thoroughly disrupted…Iran will most likely shut off the flow of oil from the Persian Gulf. This will have immense consequences for the world’s economy. Oil prices will skyrocket into the stratosphere and become so expensive that world’s economies will collapse..There are also trend indicators along economic lines that point to the potential for a total meltdown of the world’s financial system with major crisis points developing with the change of each quarter of the year. 2010 could be a meltdown year for the world’s economy, regardless of what goes on in the Middle East.
Robin Landry (Market Expert)
I believe we are headed to new market highs between 10780-11241 over the next few months. The most likely time frame for the top is the April-May area. Remember the evidence IMHO still says we are in a bear market rally with a major decline to follow once this rally ends.
John P. Hussman, Ph.D.
In my estimation, there is still close to an 80% probability (Bayes' Rule) that a second market plunge and economic downturn will unfold during 2010.
Robert Prechter
Founder of Elliott Wave International, implores retail investors stay away from the markets… for now. Prechter, who was bullish near the lows in March 2009, now says the stock market “is in a topping area, “predicting another crash in 2010 that will bring stocks below the 2009 low. His word to the wise, “be patient, don’t rush it” keep your money in cash and cash equivalents.
Richard Mogey
Current Research Director at the Foundation for the Study of Cycles- Because of a convergence of numerous cycles all at once, the stock market may go up for a little while, but will crash in 2010 and reach all-time lows late 2012. Mogey says that the 2008 crash was nothing compared to the coming crash. Gold may correct in 2009, but will go up in 2010 and peak in 2011. Silver will follow gold.
James Howard Kunstler (January 2010)
The economy as we’ve known it simply can’t go on, which James Howard Kunstler has been saying all along. The shenanigans with stimulus and bailouts will just compound the central problem with debt. There’s not much longer to go before the whole thing collapses and dies. Six Months to Live- The economy that is. Especially the part that consists of swapping paper certificates. That’s the buzz I’ve gotten the first two weeks of 2010.
Peter Schiff (3/13/2010)
"In my opinion, the market is now perfectly positioned for a massive dollar sell-off. The fundamentals for the dollar in 2010 are so much worse than they were in 2008 that it is hard to imagine a reason for people to keep buying once a modicum of political and monetary stability can be restored in Europe. In fact, the euro has recently stabilized. My gut is that the dollar sell-off will be sharp and swift. Once the dollar decisively breaks below last year's lows, many of the traders who jumped ship in the recent rally will look to re-establish their positions. This will accelerate the dollar's descent and refocus everyone's attention back on the financial train-wreck unfolding in the United States. Any doubts about the future of the U.S. dollar should be laid to rest by today's announcement that San Francisco Federal Reserve President Janet Yellen has been nominated to be Vice Chair of the Fed's Board of Governors, and thereby a voter on the interest rate-setting, seven-member Open Markets Committee. Ms. Yellen has earned a reputation for being one of the biggest inflation doves among the Fed's top players." Schiff is famous for his accurate predictions of the economic events of 2008.
Lindsey Williams
Dollar devalued 30-50% by end of year. It will become very difficult for the average American to afford to buy even food. This was revealed to him through an Illuminati insider.
Unnamed Economist working for US Gov't (GLP)
What we have experienced the last two years is nothing to what we are going to experience this year. If you have a job now…you may not have it in three to six months. (by August 2010). Stock market will fall = great depression. Foreign investors stop financing debt = collapse. 6.2 million are about to lose their unemployment.
Jimmy "Doomsday"
DOW will fall below 7,000 before mid summer 2010- Dollar will rise above 95 on the dollar index before mid summer 2010- Gold will bottom out below $800 before mid summer 2010- Silver will bottom out below $10 before mid summer 2010- CA debt implosion will start its major downturn by mid summer and hit crisis mode before Q4 2010- Dollar index will plunge below 65 between Q3 and Q4 2010- Commercial real estate will hit crisis mode in Q4 2010- Over 35 states will be bailed out by end of Q4 2010 by the US tax payer End of Q4 2010 gold will hit $1,600 and silver jump to $35 an oz.
George Ure
Markets up until mid-to-late-summer. Then "all hell breaks lose" from then on through the rest of the year.

I know this stuff isn't happy talk and you might be wondering how someone who promotes positive energy and thoughts would put this on their site. Because I care about my clients and insist they know the truth when they ask me something.

My recommendation remains the same....step away from the drama, disconnect from negative people, create the reality you want, stay in the light. But also think about the future of you and your family. Be prepared and relax while the rest let the monkey mind run wild.

For most of us, none of this really matters at this point and we are simply along for the ride. I say enjoy each and every day with gratitude and compassion. Those are what we will sorely need if these people are at all correct.

And: this is how to get rich it you want to follow the money train.

Friday, May 14, 2010

It's That Day Again.

Oh my, the blue house. Over a hundred years old and full of many, many activities.
I was well into my study of parapsychology at this time and perhaps that had something to do with the events of this house.

My daughters told me many stories of the paranormal; from tennis shoes walking across the floor to playing with a little boy that came in through the window of her bedroom.

Before long only the girls and I remained living in the house. Weekends they would visit their father I held meetings for those interested in learning and experiencing psychic things.

Strange things occurred which seem unbelievable now. What I did learn was to leave well enough alone and don't play with the dark side of energy.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thinking Of Having A Family? Already do?

You simply have to check out this funny blog. The pictures say it all. It really proves, we love our children unconditionally.

Happy Days Are Here Again!

Or are they? Perhaps we as simply being encouraged to believe things are getting better. Read, seek out information then make intelligent and informed decisions as to the course you and your family should follow.

Remember the news media has become more of an entertainment segment than actually doing the old fashion job of investigation into truth.

The following short clip reveals a small insight as to where our country is headed.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Janey Cutler - Britain's Got Talent 2010 - Auditions Week 4

This is why you never give up on your dream! The reason she finally made it just might be due to her positive attitude and energy. Longevity and happiness in life are directly related to how you choose to live it.

Enjoy living yours today and don't be afraid to reach for the brass ring on your merry-go-round!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Start Your Week With Overall Enthusiasm!

It's Monday again! Boy the weeks just keep rolling past don't they. We get to plan out our week and squeeze in all those demanding extras which have a way of cropping up. Perhaps we need to remain enthusiastic about life without stressing over it. I use to be quite rigid about my schedule.

Monday- laundry
Tuesday- Ironing
Wednesday- clean upstairs
Thursday- clean downstairs
Friday- bake and shop for food
Saturday- outside work
Sunday- spend with family or catch up on unfinished chores

We had our spring cleaning which meant a thorough deep cleaning of everything. Which was repeated during the fall. Floors, windows, carpets all scrubbed clean.

No longer am I such a control freak.  Now, when you can't see out the window, clean it. If you trip over something pick it up and put it away. When you find the floor, sweep it. If you can't tell what color it is, wash it.

I make time for family and friends more often. Sometimes I even spend time on myself for a change. I spend time online blogging and learning, probably more than I should.

So far nobody has fallen ill or died and only occasionally has it become impossible to find something if you look hard enough. But after a while even this can become a stress situation as well. Life is about balance and what works best for you and your family.

Some form of routine can be helpful in keeping you from experiencing total chaos, and I have decided to go back to a little more self discipline. Every once in a while you need to reevaluate what works and doesn't work for you in life and make changes. Remain fluid in thinking and don't forget input from the rest of the family, cooperation is key in success.

But however you choose to live it with overall enthusiasm!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

For My Mother!

Motherhood is the most difficult task any woman can take on. The hours are endless, worries compound over the years, at times it feels thankless and you always wonder if you are doing enough.

But a single smile erases you fears. Every first a child achieves provides a glow in you heart, knowing you are there supporting their goals. Seeing them grow into a secure and loving individual with enthusiasm for life provides all proof necessary you have done your best.

Happy Mother's Day Mom, and to all women out there doing what they can to nurture the tiny souls sent to them. Although some days will seem difficult, soon enough your birds will fly from the nest, enjoy each moment!

Both of my daughters have gone on to have amazing families of their own. I am very proud of them. Actually, if I am honest about it, I think they are better at the job than I was.

My advise is simple: take what you mother did right and improve upon it, take what she did wrong and change it for the better. Most of them unconditionally.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

What Will You Do Today?'s the weekend and your tired. Work this week was draining, looking forward to today is what kept you going. You certainly you deserve a break. 

But what you do today and tomorrow will be for yourself and your family. As George Ure states on his web site, Urban Survival, "you should work harder for yourself than your employer." Which means...get off the couch and get moving.

Inside all of us hides a "Worker bee," which simply needs motivated. So today find something to learn, start, complete, experience or share.

Get off that couch and be productive. Set a good example and teach  strong work ethics to your children. Hard work makes you stronger, builds a better body, and sweat purifies out toxins, all positive things. 

Plant a garden for your family. Teach something new to your children. Help someone in need of another hand. Repair what needs fixed. Clean up the environment around you. Be creative with new ideas to promote family unity.

Nothing makes you feel better than completing something and reaching a goal. It actually can be FUN working alongside those you love. 

Above all....move it or loose it!  Most of those who experience longevity are very hard workers.

Imagine where the world would be if our ancestors were couch potatoes!  Enjoy!