Life out if balance?

My oh my oh my!

What is going on?

If you listen to the news or talk to others much you understand the world seems to be falling apart.

Guess what...maybe it is!

You know as well as I.

But one thing I know for sure is there are many angry, lost, desperate people out there completely detached from their spirit.

We as a humanity are at an important place in history. I have no idea why I feel this but I know it is so.

This is the time we need to reach inside and see what resides within.

I had a revelation the other day while making our latest film. We do these impromptu videos in case you haven't noticed.

Spirit led me to talk about the word abide.

Suddenly I felt overwhelmed with emotion and understood that when we are told to abide.... it isn't just about abiding in HIM....but allowing HIM to abide in us.

Not that I really know what that means, but I feel it.

It provides comfort and courage to understand everything is alright. I am able to remain in a calm, comforted space although all around me might be spinning out of control.

Perhaps if you feel like everything is falling apart it's time to do a personal check and see what the word abide means to you.

It just might make you day, or even the rest of your life easier.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Are You Going Through Life A Chameleon?

Sometimes we pretend to want change and work very hard to convince others we in fact have changed. Usually...we have found a way to blend in; adapting to whatever others expect or want from us. This allows us to remain true to ourselves internally but living a falsehood externally. Most of the time these lifestyle can't be maintained for very long, generally six months or so, based upon experience.

As a human, molding yourself to be what others want you to be never leads to a positive outcome. In fact just the opposite. It can create misunderstandings, mistrust and destroy the very thing you were attempting to achieve in the first place.

If you want to change then muster up your intent and go for it. If you choose otherwise, honesty with yourself and others is the only viable option.

Anyone who has attempted change understands exactly the commitment required to obtain their desired outcome. Change is never an easy path, often fraught with diversions and setbacks. It is like the Universe challenges your original intent and desire, testing your will. Do you really, really, want this? These are the moments weakness can overcome our desire and derail our train.

Sometimes life circumstances require us to be more adaptable. Although it might feel like a better idea to just stay in the moment, perhaps taking a risk or letting go of old parameters, is exactly what is needed.

Be true to your desires and aim toward being your authentic self. Find your nature and nurture it fully. Always remember change isn't easy for those around you to understand and embrace. These are your changes, they may not be on board. Sometimes really decent people undermine the efforts of others trying a new path. Usually fear of forced personal changes fuel their insecurity.

Stay strong in your convictions and work spiritually towards that goal. Remember compassion for those unable to understand your intent. Practice gratitude and ask for guidance along the way. might just be fun to be a chameleon for a little bit   ...don't ya think?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Treading On Thin Ice!

Many of us are treading on thin ice these days, figuratively and literally. I think one more snow day just might send some of us over the edge. Even our cat has cabin fever. She sits by the door and cries. The need to track and catch something fills her dreams. She has become a compulsive eater as well.  Boy, can I relate to that!
But every day or so a new garden catalog shows up to lift my spirit. Birds sing their spring song louder, trying to lure warmer days. And....the bestest, most wonerfulest, specialist, thing ever is occurring with increased appreciation....we are blessed with more light.

Light is an amazing thing. It chases away so many fears. Light can diminish the wall of loneliness felt when alone in the dark. Light helps chase away illness, brings a glimmer of hope to the heart. Energy is amazingly increased as well, as we are magically drawn towards the light. Enthusiasm pushes us to be more active with our renewed being. We feel lighter, feel more joy.

There is also a Spiritual light. It is light, beautiful healing, loving energy flowing freely within. This light has no boundary and never lacks in abundance. It is available even during the darkest time of day or night.

When you let the light fill your soul actually glow. Your physical being radiates an inner light of compassion and love. Your light allows you to relax and understand the world around you in a clearer fashion. It lifts and grounds unlike anything else.

Appreciate the light and welcome it in.  Allow yourself to glow! See all the beautiful glowing people and things which surround you. Upon finding someone a little on the "dim" side, share a little of yours. Pay it forward. Don't worry it is self renewing, you won't miss a thing.

There's light around the corner.
Take a slow deep breath. Flip on your switch and glow.
Warmer days are ahead. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I See Dead People

Over the weekend I saw parts of The Sixth Sense, one of my favorite movies. Originally I saw it in a theater and figured out the ending fairly easily; because I also sort of see dead people.

If you have not seen the movie: this little boy sees dead people all around trying to talk with him, asking for help,or simply hanging out. Seeing these individuals creates all kinds of havoc, making him wish they would just disappear. Boy, I get that! Imagine for just one second how that would feel.

Sure, you have an occasional oddball who might get a kick out of it, but not many. Think about it! Never a moment alone, never having silence, always facing others fears and dying, over and over, day in and day out. ..not for me thanks.

But...I see dead people none the less, just in a different way.

It is not my intent to convince you what I experience, but to try and explain how I experience it.

My grandmother passed when I was in my early 20's. I was given her beautiful bed as a gift. But I couldn't enjoy it because every night she stood at the bottom, looking at me. I asked her to please go and stop doing that. Which she eventually did, along with the bed. I simply could not stand sleeping in it.

It was the first time I connected with someone who had left this earth. It was the last time I ever actually "saw" them. In fact for many years contact was very sparse. Until a uninvited and unexpected mother of a dear friend actually demanded my attention. Since then it has become the norm.

Once I accepted the fact I would be interacting with the dearly departed, I sort of put in a special request, please....don't make me actually "see" them! So far I haven't had to and found a way to connect. I send out a request for their energy and usually they respond.

The ability to communicate with those past over takes some adapting. There is a learning curve so to speak. Every experience is unique and I still find out new things with every interaction.

Trust me it is not like the television shows, Medium or The Ghost Whisperer. Daily life is rather normal and unglamorous. At least mine is, for which I am thankful.

My spirits are sensed somewhere internally, deep within they appear to me. I hear them and what they wish to convey, not always easily or correctly at first. I am told that inflections and speech patterns of the deceased sometimes come across.

Certain individuals tend to stand in particular places, for whatever reason. Some leave human ideas behind, others hang on to them for dear life, and a few proceed directly into the light releasing all earthly bonds immediately. It seems you have many options after leaving this realm. You can choose appearance, age, condition, you name it. In fact you don't have to keep a body at all! You may also refuse to respond when summoned. You still retain free will.

Most spirits are seeking peace and forgiveness. Many want loved ones to know they are ok, they made it. Generally these experiences provide answers to lingering questions. They also can give closure to pain and suffering for the family and friends remaining behind.

In closing, I caution those seeking such connection. We are to live in this plane and they in theirs. Hanging on will hold both parties from moving forward. Should you feel the need, please choose your assistant carefully to be certain of a positive outcome for all.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say!

Being a good listener is only half of a conversation. One must also be able to express ideas and thought clearly and distinctly in order for the listener to comprehend and respond appropriately.

Frequently this necessitates engaging the undivided attention from the person to whom you are speaking. Perhaps you will need to ask if they understand what you are saying. At times, you may need to request they repeat back what they think you said, especially with children. This assures a clear understanding of what all parties have said during the conversation.

Think your thoughts out clearly prior to speaking. Mean what you say and say what you mean. Leave little to individual interpretation or room for misunderstanding.

Stop talking long enough for the other person to be an active participant. Listen and respond appropriately. Clarify any thought not clearly presented previously in your conversation.

If you find yourself in the position of addressing a difficult subject with someone just remember this: You can say anything you need to say to anyone, and they will hear you.... as long as you say it with a compassionate heart.

The best example of difficult communication clearly can be experienced dealing with support techs. Many of us have been extremely frustrated by our failure to resolve issue while speaking with them. I don't mean to insult anybody, but come on, ya know what I mean!

Enjoy the example below.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Are you listening?

I must confess....sometimes I do not listen when others talk. Ideas and responses are busy playing out in my head. There isn't room enough inside for both of us to talk, leaving my ability to  know what is being said lacking.

It usually isn't because I don't care about them or what they are telling me. I simply have a tough time putting others need to be heard above mine sometimes.

Sure I can try to find justifications for it. Perhaps the need to talk is genetic. I grew up in a very vocal family, each demanding to be heard. Sometimes is got quite loud in our house. My first report from kindergarden said, "she is a very good student, but talks to much." My daughters and some of my grandchildren are amazing verbalists.

But all kidding aside, there are reasons we become poor listeners. Perhaps there is the feeling nobody really hears what you are saying, so you simply keep talking hoping sooner or later they get it. Which gives little room to be an active listener.

If you operate out of a sense of defensiveness, you turn off the ability to understand what others may be saying. No matter the topic you must figure what to say next in defense of your belief.

Sometimes we simply do not want to hear what is being said and allow ourselves to drift elsewhere for a few moments. Any wife or mother is aware of the amazing ability children and spouses have in selective hearing. Many husband will tell you wives are the same in this regard.

Some cultures have utilized a talking stick. One must not say a word until it is passed to them. Which shows this has been a long standing problem.

So, if you are going to spend time in conversation, then take the time to actively listen. Let the other person know you are hearing and understanding what they are saying. You will appreciate the same courtesy when you get to talk. If necessary....go get a stick!

Enjoy Huge Laurie in a skit about him not actively listening!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Angels- Real?

Often I am asked if I believe in Angels. The quick response it yes. But I am still learning about them so I am certainly no expert in this field.

My experiences have led me to believe the following.

The ones I am familiar with are not noted in any particular order.

It seems an angel is assigned to us as we enter this world. These guardians usually are a relative recently passed or one you never met. Once in a while you may not even have a family connection. All I have encountered have experience human life at one time. I gather being a Guardian is their choice. They are capable of checking on many of us at the same time. They do not get wings, as far as I know. Your privacy is respected but they don't care about your personal space. Their intent seems to be to quietly guide you during your stay here. If you get real quite inside you may actually hear them.

There are other angels which seem to attach themselves due to our life situation. For example, having financial difficulties may draw in someone who lived as an accountant while here, to help guide you. If there is a great chance of an accident you might draw someone that passed from just such an event. Seldom will you know them, usually they are complete strangers offering assistance to those in need. They wish to direct you out of difficulty. They leave after the need passes. They also do not get wings. If you are having a problem, call on one of these for advice.

The then we have the ""big" angels. Beings of light that radiate such a bright whiteness, to see one leaves you in awe. Some I have seen are huge, completely filling the corner of a room, wings spread out touching the ceiling. The have a calmness and a strength that could make you tremble in fear. If they arrive it is usually for a very special purpose. They can heal all emotional, physical and spiritual wounds. They can become impatient with those slow to understand their will. But they also surround you with a loving energy that lifts you off your feet. Once you encounter one of these you never forget the experience. To my knowledge, these being have never lived on this plain.

And lastly, we seem to have a group who's only purpose to to watch over everything and everyone, like patrollers on duty. They seem to keep things running. I am not certain if they have wings. I don't believe they ever existed in human form, which makes me think they probably have wings. They seem to have a sprite energy and sometime are unable to direct their energy like the big angels. The do not present the same strength and are seem rather insignificant in general.

If you have any additional questions or comments about angles I would enjoy hearing them.

What do you think? 


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Moving Day!

I'm sure most of have moved at least once in our lifetime. I confess to far too many moves. My last move was about three years ago. I tell everyone my next move is across the street (to beautiful little cemetery) or about one mile from here to a nursing home.

I have also helped others. Just last week I assisted a dear friend in her transition to a new space. Of course this was during the largest snow storms we have had in years! Something I am sure her son will never let her forget. While it was a lot of work, it also had many moments of fun and lightheartedness. It also was a nice diversion from shoveling.

But moving has taught me a few things also.

What seems like a great idea in the first place, becomes less appealing with every additional box you carry.While you are looking forward to the newness and changes it might bring, you can't help but wonder if you are making a mistake and will miss the old place. Things feel like they will never be organized again, or ready for the movers. You experience a sense of joy for your new space, while morning the loss of the old. You definitely under estimate things a lot: like the amount of work it will take and the time and energy required; before, during and after the move. Plus finding enough energy to deal with the issue of unforeseen problems, which have a way of always popping up.

Which on moving day leaves one to a dear in caught in headlights!

But over the years I learned this little secret.

You carry your home with you, like a turtle and it's shell. It doesn't matter where or how often you move. It doesn't even matter if you have a permanent home.

Because home really is where the heart is.

What we long for is a sense of security, a sense of love, a place where we feel nurtured. 

The secret is......We carry that inside is your spirit and can provide all you seek. It goes where you go and requires only that you ask for assistance. When you are welcomed home! 

No matter where you go or what you have in life you can always go home. 
Just connect with your spiritual haven.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Chill Out Tuesday

Sometimes we need to take a break from our daily grind and renew ourselves. I find meditation a valuable tool in calming my ragged energy, inspiring creative energy flow and increasing physical strength. It is a wonderful tool for physical, emotional and spiritual healing.

While at times I utilize the power of silence, often music provides the "white noise" to block out human interference. It aids in quieting a noisy mind.

Below are examples of three different styles for meditation. I am quite certain with the internet the possibilities are endless. Find yours. You might prefer just music, or be pulled toward more of a visualization. There are also many of these to choose from. You will know within a nano second if it speaks to your soul. Or perhaps you will choose the path of silence after looking for what resonates for you.

If you have head sets I definitely recommend using them. Same goes for using the large screen option if you have it. If you don't wish to watch the video, simply close your eyes and melt into the music.

So, take some time to relax,fill your soul with sound. Let go of any pains, worries and concerns while you listen. Release those emotions into the universe, replacing them with radiant healing power. Allow it to pour over you with loving kindness. Then pass it long to those you meet today.

Your spirit will fly listening to this.

For my dear friend Debbie.

And for me....this one is magical!

Monday, February 15, 2010

So How Is Your Monday Morning?

What kind of a Monday morning person are you?

Every Monday we get an new opportunity to choose how to start our week.
Every seventh day we get to do it all over again. If you don't like what you are doing, decide this Monday to change directions down a better path. Try something different this week. Make a new friend. Start up an interesting hobby. Volunteer for a worthy cause. Or perhaps determine to work less and enjoy your family more. Even though it may seems life is in a rut, every week there is an opportunity for change.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Grandmother Remaley told me a little poem about love, which I share with you today.

Love is such a funny thing.
It's something like a lizard.
It wraps it's tail around your heart,
and nibbles at your gizzard.

I'm not sure I get it, but it always made her smile. Perhaps it refers to being "love sick", you know that squirmy feeling you get when that special person walks into the room.

While today is about love, remember we need to receive that fix far more often than once a year. Never pass up an opportunity to tell others you love them. More importantly, show them by your words, actions and deeds.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Have You Noticed A Growing Dependancy Upon The Government?

Learn To Be Self-Reliant.

Watching the news over the past few months, I noticed we have become a dependent society . We have a level of expectations regarding what we think we are entitled to and wait for others to save us or solve our problems.

Lately I hear many voices of discontentment, if not down right anger at just about everything; currently.... loss of jobs, the national debt, housing crisis, health care, to the roads not being cleared, unable to get to the store, weather extremes, loss of power, school closings, you name it!

It just has to be someone's fault these things aren't getting done, someone must take responsibility. 

Here's an idea.......

Look in the mirror! 

 If you check in very often, you noticed a constant theme around here.  That would be my "free will" philosophy. Which is...  

You are responsible, every second of every day, 
for your words, thought, actions and deeds, 
and consequences they bring, positive or negative.
Including care and respect for your
spiritual, emotional and
 physical being. are the ONLY person responsible for being here. Others wish to convince you otherwise. But that means you have given over your free will to someone else......a very bad idea which leads to great discontent and unhappiness.

Take your future and that of your family back into your hands. Start with the simple things. Look to see where you can cut costs, pay down debt and save money.  Reuse things, find new interesting ways to recycle items. See if you can get another year out of things you were thinking of replacing. Plant a garden, even if you only have room for a container or two. Make things from scratch. Learn how to do things for yourself like plumbing, carpentry, baking. Teach skills to your children as well, pass along knowledge we seem to have determined no longer useful to them, for it will again become worthy.

Enjoy the experience and feel the reward for your efforts.....after a learning curve that is! (Check out the video with The French Chef from the other day if you need a reminder.)

Remain independent, teach self will be greatly rewarded with a huge dose of satisfaction.

The web is an amazing wealth of can read and learn about everything with a simple Google search. I suggest one to check out at the top of this blog...a great, practical site, extremely well done in a warm, welcoming way.

Independence was one of the building stones of this great country. If anything can destroy it, our dependency upon others might do the trick.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Inspiring WORDS + Odds and Ends: You can if you think you can....

My dear friend Frederick, posted this yesterday on his blog. It is truly astounding. Please take time to view it and count your blessings.

This touches on all the things I write about, courage, optimism, gratitude, and living a positive life.

Sometimes it takes a clear example of those attributes to really understand them. This gentleman shows such inspiration and faith, with a great dose of humor..... he holds you in fascination.

Inspiring WORDS + Odds and Ends: You can if you think you can....

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Gratitude.....Appreciate Your Life...Family....Friends.....Love Unconditionally.....Allow Joy To Manifest.

Accept life with loving gratitude. No matter the challenges we face they are easier to bear if we remember to be thankful for all we have been given.  Keep your energy moving in a positive direction.

When all else fails......simply dance! 
It's "Positively" contagious!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Be Optimistic!

For many, gray days, depressing news, health concerns, financial issues, drain their emotional and spiritual energy.

They feel lethargic, lack motivation and sometimes would simply like to pull the covers over their heads and hide from the world.

The Universe is filled with pessimistic people living with their glass half empty.

It is enough to make anyone overwrought and loose their optimism. 

But, as they say in commercials....."But wait"!

You have choices! 

You have power!

Become invincible!


Simply remain.........OPTIMISTIC!!!!!

Refuse to let anyone or anything shake your core belief in yourself.
Remember the power contained within to create reality.
Refuse to accept the mindset of the negative Nelly's around you.

Place a smile in your heart and carry drives others crazy!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Fear Of Failure?

Always entertaining as a chef, Julia Child also shared some amazing insights while she cooked. Although she speaks to cooking, her wisdom is easily applied to life. So, when she says the word "cook", substitute the word "live".

Nothing I could say would address our fear of trying something different that she does in this short clip.

If you are interested in healthy food I also suggest you check out the web site that originally posted this video....The Herbangardener...the food is awesome!
Good Food!

Julia Child - "Don't be afraid of failure in the kitchen" from The Herbangardener on Vimeo.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday .... A Good Day To Forgive!

One of the biggest issues I find holding us back from being who we want to be, is a lack of forgiveness.

At times we hang on to pain and memories like an old dog with his bone. We use these emotional injuries as justification to create more pain, within ourselves and for others.

Sometimes we want them to suffer, by seeing how tortured they have made us. We even go so far as to use our unforgiving wrath, as a form of manipulation over them.  There are even those who proudly wear their pain like a badge of courage.

Years pass and still we hang on to those memories as an excuse for this or that, hiding from responsibility of self.

Forgiveness means forgiving yourself as well. Perhaps we are scared to forgive ourselves because it would require a change in mindset, place us in a different direction. It definitely puts responsibility back on us, forcing that old free will thing directly upon our shoulders.

Frequently, fear is the wall keeping us from letting go of our anguish. Fear of what life might be like as a free spirit, no longer grounded by our perceived injustices.

Denying forgiveness to others or a like a cancer upon the soul.

So today, I ask you to please watch the following video, open up to the possibility of releasing any person or thing holding you back from internal peace and joy.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Good Morning Sleepyhead!


That should get your blood going this morning. I just love old movies!

It is a brand new day for you to enjoy. Take time to be with loved ones, let them know how important they are in your life.

Perhaps you often tell them, you love them, but how often do you tell them you appreciate them?

How frequently do you remind them they are valuable, point out their talents, skills, cooperation, hard work?

Everyone flourishes from a good sprinkling of love and appreciation now and again.

Today, perhaps during breakfast, or sometime later, you could take time to sprinkle a little around your house. You may be surprised at what grows.

Friday, February 5, 2010

How Will You Face Today?

"I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions, and not on our circumstances. We carry the seeds of the one or the other about with us in our minds wherever we go." - Martha Washington, from The Life of Washington by Anna C. Reed, niece of a signer of the Declaration of Independence; first published in 1842 by the American Sunday-School Union, now called the American Missionary Fellowship (AMF).
Well, we face a "big" storm the TV tells me this morning.

I always find it interesting how people react to such news. The human reaction to anything remotely close to a potential "disaster" situation brings out the best and the worst in humans. Hello is a storm, not TEOTWAWKI! 

It presents a great opportunity to see exactly how well prepared you are, to take care of yourself and family. Practice makes perfect! Check and find the gaps in your ability to withstand a few days without running to the store. Review how you would stay warm, cook, provide water, sanitation, and other necessaries for getting through comfortably, should you be required to.

The most important thing you need for surviving anything is .."Attitude".....the main ingredient determining how well you and the family will manage any situation.

Run to Walmart in panic with the rest of the pack, or sit back and know things may become a minor challenge, you determine the outcome.

The way I work-out sessions for the weekend have already been planned. Look out I come!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

It's How You See Things That Matter.

Click on highlighted words above to see video.

Today I received an interesting Email from my dear father-in-law in Florida, about a Palindrome.

In case you are unfamiliar with that means you can read it both forward and backwards.

Interesting to me is how different the message can be. This particular one strikes at how we see ourselves and how we create our future.

Please take a moment to .........really pay attention to what it says.

Thanks Dad, for sharing.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Here I Go Again....Groundhogs!

Since I live a bit south of the famous Groundhog, Phil, he simply had to make my blog.

Today we will find out his latest prediction for the whole winter thing. Six more cold weeks? Early spring coming?

I simply don't get the idea of it, it seems mean. Imagine being  yanked out of your safe, cozy home, early in the morning, into a bright light, with people standing around cheering.

Oh....wait a minute....I guess I was! Guess we all were, once anyway. I digress.

Of course he sees his shadow, how could he not with all the flashbulbs going off and all. And of course we will have six more weeks of winter, check the calender.

But the best part.....spring is coming. Mother Nature is getting ready to wake up, forget about the groundhog.

He's a rat!....Don't believe him!  I Never did!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Problem - Solution

We may encounter what seem like insurmountable problems in our life when working toward our goals.

Reality may not measure up to our expectations. Often we simply give up and walk away feeling like we have failed, or that others failed us.

At times it is human nature to make mountains out of mole hills, due to frustration. We lose focus on our original intent.

During these difficult moments, look for the simple solutions presented before us. Perhaps, we need to take a longer path to get where we want to go.

Maybe you find out, you really weren't committed to it in the first place, and find a new direction to follow.

Assistance might be needed, to clarify your goal, or help achieve it. We seem to always think we can do things by ourselves; once in a while, a partnership is required to get what you want.

Then sometimes, the Universe simply presents what we need, if we simply focus on something else for a moment.