Life out if balance?

My oh my oh my!

What is going on?

If you listen to the news or talk to others much you understand the world seems to be falling apart.

Guess what...maybe it is!

You know as well as I.

But one thing I know for sure is there are many angry, lost, desperate people out there completely detached from their spirit.

We as a humanity are at an important place in history. I have no idea why I feel this but I know it is so.

This is the time we need to reach inside and see what resides within.

I had a revelation the other day while making our latest film. We do these impromptu videos in case you haven't noticed.

Spirit led me to talk about the word abide.

Suddenly I felt overwhelmed with emotion and understood that when we are told to abide.... it isn't just about abiding in HIM....but allowing HIM to abide in us.

Not that I really know what that means, but I feel it.

It provides comfort and courage to understand everything is alright. I am able to remain in a calm, comforted space although all around me might be spinning out of control.

Perhaps if you feel like everything is falling apart it's time to do a personal check and see what the word abide means to you.

It just might make you day, or even the rest of your life easier.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Choosing Your Life!

Although things like a parents death or someones decision to suddenly move demands your attention, ordinary life still marches on.

Both of our toilets chose this time to malfunction. Finding time to schedule a plumber was practically impossible, but none the less needed done. Thankfully he showed up yesterday at 9 am and things flow fine now.

Also we had determined to get a new car several weeks ago but that too had to be put off, until last night.

Now, we finally get to the point of today's blog. I can sum it up with a name. Lundy Orlando Bell. We first met him last Saturday when we went out looking for our vehicle.

"What is remarkable about Lundy", you ask? For one thing he definitely proves you can't tell a book from its cover. First impression were not all that favorable.

But then you get an opportunity to know him better. He is 85 and still works about 50 hours a week. He dances jitter bug every weekend he can, and walks about 7 miles at twin lakes every Sunday while listening to Frank Sinatra on his Ipod. He is careful about the food he eats and has respect for his body.

His mother died when he was three days old and his father gave him away. The family he thought his own, told him to get out at fifteen, who knows the reason. He got a priest to lie about his age so he could get a job with working papers. He is a jack of all trades, with only a sixth grade education, and found a path that proved successful for him.

He has no ill feelings towards anyone and refuses to give in to negative thinking. He graciously took care of the women he thought of as his mother for many years when no one else was there.

His success is based upon his amazing positive energy and the concept that he is in charge of his own destiny. He told us he spoke to God and God said he would give him 5 more years, and intends to work every day the lord will allow.

He loves people and simply glows with enthusiasm. His advice to all the young people joining the crew is simple. "Every morning when you put your pants on, it's up to you to decided what you're going to make of it."

So if you want to live to an old age perhaps you should take his advice. Positive energy and positive attitudes affect your physical, emotional and spiritual being. Just ask Lundy.

And, if you are looking for a new car, want an interesting experience and have lots of patience, go to Smails and ask for Lundy Orlando Bell.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Changes, ch,ch,ch ch, changes!

Changes, sometimes we love them and sometimes we hate them. This past two weeks provided opportunity to observe and participate in many of them. Change definitely has the ability to bring out the best and worst in people, me included.

For example, my mother has simply been amazing in her willingness to embrace major changes in life. This past week she relocated into an assisted living facility. For two years now I have been trying to convince her this would be best. Suddenly, as if out of nowhere she made an appointment and fell in love. All those "things" she held onto so long and thought of as so important went to the wayside.

Of course there are things she would prefer to have more to her liking, but she has adapted easier than any of us thought possible. She has obtained grace and dignity with this move. I even think many of her fears have also subsided.

With the loss of my father-in-law, my mother-in-law has also stepped up to the plate and shown remarkable strength and substance. Things she would have felt beyond her ability to accomplish now she does with little support.

While these women have embraced the necessary changes of life, I have also observed how others family members turn everything into a negative experience and choose to live miserable lives. One can only hope that at some point they too will learn to ride the roller coaster of life with a little more willingness and an open heart.

It simply proves yet again, how we constantly have the ability to change up our energy and utilize our free will to enhance our life experience. Look around your space and see what needs review, and create the life you want.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Please Forgive My Silence

I have not had the time required to produce anything of value, so please forgive my silence. Many things have/are transpiring which require all my time and energy.

It has been an amazing moment to practice all those thing you think you are and believe. I have gained much both in personal and spiritual growth over the past few weeks. The future seems about to share even more wealth.

I have perhaps,  got it, really got it. The calm which henceforth had been lacking in me. An unknown space. A really, really nice space!

True peace is extremely difficult to ever know or experience, let alone maintain. But the tiny glimpse of it I have,simply wow. It came about in the most unexpected, unusual way. Over the weeks or months I hope to be able to share some of them.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

In Memory Of Walter M. Podkul

Last evening a very special person left his body with his loving family watching over him. He was my father-in-law, Walter M. Podkul, a strong, loving and sometimes difficult man. His suffering apparent, he none the less was still decisive to the end and full of wit and determination. It was a beautiful ending to an interesting journey on this earth.

There are many thing I would like to write about this, but that is for another day. This morning I just want to let those who read my blog know that our family lost a piece to our puzzle, nothing will be the same.

Thank you Dad for everything, God speed on your journey.
You are loved!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Just Another Manic Monday.

What is it with the start of a new week that sends shivers down some of our spines? Others get totally giddy at the thought of a brand new week and what that may bring their way. I guess I don't understand the whole idea somehow. Why can't things just be a continuation of things. What about the human condition pushes us to believe the beginning or ending of something has more power that we do?

Why do we put such expectation and pressure on just another day. How many times do we plan on starting a new diet...when....Monday! Or we are going to start/stop(fill in the blank) ...when...Monday,....always after the weekend on Monday. You name it and I will pretty much guarantee you it starts guessed it....Monday.

Well this philosophy is how I have gained weight instead of loosing it. Do you know why? Because I didn't want to screw up my weekend waiting for the dreaded Monday. So I ate and drank more in anticipation of imagined suffering.

Be honest, how many of you have put off things until the miracle Monday of the future. Does that mystical Monday exist? Does it ever show up? Or will you yet again believe the Monday next week will work out better, and lack follow through?

Why do we allow any day of the week to have so much power over us? We have over the hump day, TGIF, besides dreaded Monday. Poor Tuesday and Thursday. At least Sunday gets to be special all by itself.

But, the point is...stop letting the imaginary power of the days of the week be such a driving force in your life. Live for the moment of every day with gratitude and joy. Take back control of decisions and be responsible for yourself. If you need to diet, do it. It you need a job change go for it. No matter what day of the week it may be, it is always good for positive changes to start.

I finally did start my diet, it was on a Tuesday and I feel great.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Time For Transition!

Winter is on the way to wherever it waits until called again. Simply looking out the window this morning tells me that. The birds are frantic with joy. Even the squirrels are happy, sitting inside the birdfeeder eating away. The sun feels glorious on the body and soul. Our focus is on the warmth of spring and the anticipation of blooming flowers, even seeing some dandelions in the grass would be a welcoming sight. It is time and we are ready.

But let's take a moment to wish winter well, and be thankful for the beauty that came with it this year. Even though we might not like the cold, not to mention all the problems it brought, it was none the less beautiful. Every season is to cherished and appreciated. If you think about it everything is perfect just as it is. We tend to get tired of one season just as another is about to arrive, what great planning Mother nature has.

So relax in the last death spirals of winter and give thanks for all it brought. Wish it well on its way. The following visualization presents the beauty and joy of winter. Take time to be still in the moment, allow the soothing music to wash away the winter blues. Soon enough the demands of spring will consume us.

Remember to have gratitude and appreciation for all things.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Fright Friday!

Every Friday it is my intent to relay actual ghost stories, starting with the first time I remember "bumping into" one.

My grandmother had died and her loss was profound. We had become quite close;  I sat with her, holding her hand in mine as her spirit soared into heaven.

It wasn't the first time I had dealt with death, but it was the first time I had lost someone so close to me.  Since I was seven death had become almost too familiar, but this was different.

Of course there were personal belongings to take care of and somehow my mother inherited grandmother's beautiful bed. I always looked at it with wonder. I was quite please it was mine to enjoy, since it now resided in my bedroom.

But no one told me she would come along with it. Every night she appeared, standing patiently at the bottom just looking at me. I don't remember her ever saying a word. Perhaps if she did I blocked it out.

Although I loved her very much, seeing her every night like that was more than I wanted to deal with. I asked her to please stop visiting me, and she did. But I never felt comfortable sleeping in her bed again, so shortly after she did the bed.

Today if that were to happened I'm sure things would have been handled differently. I sometimes  wonder if she was disappointed that I was so afraid of her. Hopefully she understood.

I don't remember where the bed went, I think a cousin may have gotten it. But I often wonder if she went with it.

Love you Grandma!

Next Friday- The Spring Street spirit that tried to push me down the stairs.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Human Spirit Still Exists

Early yesterday this morning I received a call from my Mom. She wasn't feeling very well and needed to make an appointment to see her Dr. Before this can happen there are blood tests deemed necessary prior to the visit tomorrow.

Most of you already know Southwest PA has seen record amounts of snowfall. This creates the ability to navigate streets and parking places very difficult for everyone, but especially the elderly.

I know enough to tuck the snow shovel into the car before setting out to her apartment. While the sidewalks were somewhat shoveled out, the snow was then dumped into the street. The snow plow shoved it back against the curb. Do you see where I am going with this? Correct, it is very difficult to get her from the street into the car, hence the shovel in the back seat.

After a brief time utilizing said shovel, I deemed it safe enough to cross over the curb and to the car. Of course, Mom wasn't so sure, still shaky on her feet and worried her walker might take off without her, dumping her unceremoniously into the street.

I am pleased to report all went well to and from the blood testing center. But what I am extremely happy to report is how wonderful all those stranges were we met on our journey.

Every step of the way, someone offered assistance. They were sincere, pleasant and showed genuine concern. All had positive energy and willing to share a moment with complete strangers. I really think one or two of them was somewhat disappointed we managed without them.

So, just when your think the never ending cold weather, the poor economy, or just plain negativity has taken over, do not despair. A light still shines in many, perhaps we simply forget to see it sometimes.
So in closing, I wish to thank those willing to come to the aid of others. I also encourage those who don't think to offer help, to put yourself in the shoes of those needing assistance. Like they say, "There but for the grace of God," ponder that.

Just think, we get to do this again tomorrow! I wonder who we will met on our way?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The state of seeing or understanding clearly.

It may present in many forms and gained by various means and experiences.

Sometimes we get hit over the head by it. Wham, like a two by four to the skull. 

Other times it creeps up on you, until you finally "get" it. A deep awe releases inside your soul, profoundly changing your concepts.

It might come to you in a word, sound or look, during quiet prayer or meditation or while attending a large party. 

It could be a special delivery from a loved one or passed along from a complete stranger.

Perhaps it arrives after a life-long search, or simply appears out of nowhere.

It always leaves you feeling more complete somehow. Sort of like you are in on a big secret for a moment.

Life can never be seen the same again, for awareness has arisen. 

Welcome it in and feel blessed.

And like everything it forward.

Share the wealth.

Monday, March 1, 2010

What Happened to Intelligence?

When I was a student, all those long years ago, it seems to me the science teacher said, "humans are intelligent beings." Lately I find more and more evidence this, in fact, may have been incorrect.

Why? Simple answer, because we are no longer considered capable to make appropriate decisions for ourselves. More and more the government, or some regulatory agency, steps in to tell us what we think. It is as if we are no longer to trust ourselves, or our ability to process information correctly.

The solutions presented to us come in the form of new rules and regulations. We assume they always have our best interest in mind, and almost always gratefully comply.

I do not wish to make this blog political for many reasons and will not do so. However, I can't sit here and not point out how quickly we are loosing the ability to remain "intelligent."  Constantly we are being dumbed down. Quickly we are becoming a dependent, entitled society.

As you know I frequently address the need to be more self sufficient. Part of this includes thinking for yourself and determining how your family operates on a day to day basis. I am big on the concept of free will and self responsibility. I expect to be capable to know what are right and wrong decisions, if nothing else but from the freedom to have made bad ones and learned from them.

This morning on the news yet again, common sense, was attacked. It seems the latest area we lack intelligence in, is determining what we feed our children. Now they want to put warning labels on HOTDOGS, and RAW CARROTS, not to mention POPCORN, NUTS, and GRAPES as they are choking hazards.

Aw, come on! Yes, I know hotdogs are the number one cause of choking deaths among small children. And, yes 100 children die every year by choking, which is tragic. But does that mean we must pass a LAW? Surely an average individual has the ability to know how to feed a child. Do you really think a label, on a product, will decrease or prevent injury?  If in fact these products are so dangerous why not outlaw them entirely, save everyone.

But in reality the bigger issue, is permitting another party to take away freedom to think independently and make personal choices for ourselves. Currently our children are loosing their financially secure future without much descent from us, let's not be party to the loss of free thinking.

Once a society allows others to think for them and simply follows along we are doomed intellectually. We have been driving towards a fear based society since 911. Be afraid....of everything including what we eat. But fear separates us from spirit, from trusting our innate being which guides us through life's turmoils. 

Teach your children critical thinking and personal responsibility. Nurture independence and instill freedom of choice. If these things are lost, the next generation will know no better than to role over and play dead. Do not encourage the creation of sheeple.

We run the risk of becoming humanoids, too separated from spirit and our God given gift of free will. Hold on to your independence and humanity. Integrate your spiritual being and free will into your daily life. Think for yourself. Mama always said, "so if everyone else jumped off a cliff would you follow them?"  Sometimes she really did know best.

THINK!!!!  Be not afraid!

And for heavens sake, cut up the food for small children and the elderly. 
Enough said!