Life out if balance?

My oh my oh my!

What is going on?

If you listen to the news or talk to others much you understand the world seems to be falling apart.

Guess what...maybe it is!

You know as well as I.

But one thing I know for sure is there are many angry, lost, desperate people out there completely detached from their spirit.

We as a humanity are at an important place in history. I have no idea why I feel this but I know it is so.

This is the time we need to reach inside and see what resides within.

I had a revelation the other day while making our latest film. We do these impromptu videos in case you haven't noticed.

Spirit led me to talk about the word abide.

Suddenly I felt overwhelmed with emotion and understood that when we are told to abide.... it isn't just about abiding in HIM....but allowing HIM to abide in us.

Not that I really know what that means, but I feel it.

It provides comfort and courage to understand everything is alright. I am able to remain in a calm, comforted space although all around me might be spinning out of control.

Perhaps if you feel like everything is falling apart it's time to do a personal check and see what the word abide means to you.

It just might make you day, or even the rest of your life easier.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Look Up And See What Is Going On.

This weatherman had the courage to actually tell his viewers what was going on above them.

Have you noticed unusual trails left behind by aircraft? That is what he is talking about. Pay attention to the weather forecast. If they are calling for clear and warm weather moving in, within a day or two we will no longer see the beautiful sky. Instead a gauzy haze covers that space. Observe that they always start wherever the sun is located, as if to hide it from us. Or is from the sun?

Scot Stevens is another brave weatherman who established a web site addressing this issue. His concern was how this practice effects the earth and humanity in the long term. Take time to watch his videos, they are eye openers.

I do not know the reason for their doing this and have read many ideas and concepts attempting to find out. From my reading though it appears there may be multiple purposes from shielding us from harmful rays, to space wars. Research it and make you own conclusion. In reality it won't matter, damage is being done daily.

My goal is to simply make you more aware things are not as they seem. I have been working in the garden and there is something quite wrong with mother nature. Our planet is dying instead of thriving and it makes me sad. We are loosing our bees, bats, oceans and sky to poisons.

I do not have any answers....only concern for the future of this planet and fear our children's, children will suffer greatly for our lack of respect and care of this beautiful space in the universe.

If the earth is a reflection of the human spirit, the state of the spirit is not doing well. Renew your spiritual energy with positive purpose. Meditate and pray daily, send out loving intentions.

Take personal responsibility for your interactions with the earth. Learn how to nurture the soil, practice conservation, renew and reuse, respect nature. Teach those around you to do the same. Respect humanity as well.

I am certain there are many, many ways to become involved in saving our planet should you be motivated to do so. Simply Google...saving the earth where you will find 57,400,000 links.

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